How could we ever think it possible to enter into the presence of the Creator of the Universe?
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Building, digging, laying – Being a Follower
I love the image Jesus uses to teach us what it takes to be his follower.
Continue reading“Have mercy on us!”
30 And behold, there were two blind men sitting by the roadside, and when they heard that Jesus was passing by, they cried out, “Lord, have mercy on us, Son of David!”
Everywhere Jesus went there were people in need of his help, it never escaped him. And it doesn’t seem like he tried to escape it very often. Even the times when he did try to get away only to have the lost and needy track him down he didn’t turn them away. The crowds on the other hand wanted Jesus for themselves and preferred that those the most in need not bother them.
What was Jesus response to this? “Jesus stopped and called them. ‘What do you want me to do for you?’ He asked.”
Jesus took the time to meet their need. The passage tells us that immediately they received their sight and followed him. Suddenly the outcasts became the most important members of the group because Jesus took the time to meet them at their need.
Jesus does that with all of us. He stops where we are to meet us the point of our need. If we respond back and give “it” up to him transformation happens. This is the power of the Gospel to change people’s lives for the good eternally and temporally.
Mark 15:5
Jesus’ silence is troubling. He faces a barrage of false accusations by the very ones he came to release from bondage to sin and death. He kept silent like a lamb being led off to death. Continue reading
Discover the Father
The story of the son who took his fortune and headed to the big city to waste it away is well known. Luke 15:11-32 is where it can be found. This isn’t so much the story of the son who left for the city, nor is it about the older son who stayed home to serve the family. This is about the father. It’s about what was important to him. Continue reading