It is not often that we have felt the heat of the battle. We have the sense that in these days we are in a battle against a foe that uses tactics that are very subtle and subversive. I’m reminded of the words of David “With your help I can advance against a troop, with my God I can scale a wall.”
As we continue on this journey we are “attacked” by many things. Discouraging thoughts and opinions of why we should not be heading in this direction. Opinions like: “the nationals should do it”, “you just want to be close to your family”, “it’s too costly” and “you’re not considering your children”. These are just a few of the comments we have heard recently.
It is as if these opinions have a life of their own and come against us in our heart and mind. They are the troop that we are advancing against. But David, who knew just a little about battles, declared “with my God I can scale a wall”. And by faith I declare too “with my God I can scale a wall” and attain the goal that is in front of us!
Check out 2 Samuel 22 it’s a great victory song written by King David 3000 years ago!