Mark 11:20-26; What is the key to answered prayer? Peter was astonished to discover the fig tree that Jesus spoken against had withered in only a few short hours. For him this was an extraordinary event that caught his attention and as was often the case Jesus used this moment to share a Kingdom principle. Peter and the other disciples still needed his teaching but time was running short. Continue reading
Monthly Archives: September 2013
Cleaning house
Mark 11:12-19; Jesus cleans things up in his Father’s house. For too long he had observed the deterioration of the Temple and this day he decided to deal with the problem. His action was radical and angered those in authority. The need for a clean house of God uncluttered by the affairs of life was important for Jesus. In under a week he would be gone and his work would be finished. Continue reading
Facing the Skeptics Part 2
Mark 11:1-11; The stand out here for me is that even when going to find the donkey for Jesus to ride there were skeptics on the sideline questioning the motives of the disciples. There will always be skeptics to slow us down in the pursuit of the goals Jesus has given us. Continue reading
Facing the Skeptics Part 1
Mark 10:46-52: The gospel writer, Mark, gives us this short story of the miracle Jesus did as he gave sight to the blind man Bartimeaus. Mark doesn’t give us much here just the short and sweet version of what happened. Continue reading
Dying and leading
Mark 10:32-45: Jesus continues on his journey to Jerusalem where he knows he will face the full wrath of all who oppose him. He has been teaching about the Kingdom of God and how it is open to all who would seek to enter in to it. Continue reading